Parent Newsletter - Band Camp is Here!

It’s hard to believe it, but school is right around the corner and band camp is officially here! Be sure to start hydrating, come properly dressed, and bring all of the supplies you need. If this is your first year in band, YES, it is perfectly common to stay on campus during breaks.

What you’ll need:

  • Sunscreen and a hat

  • 1-inch binder with sheet protectors

  • Pencil

  • Rehearsal bag (drawstring bag or backpack

  • 1/2 gallon water jug (new members receive on day 1)

  • Tuner or tuning app

  • White t-shirt (black for color guard,) athletic shorts, and tennis shoes

Band Camp Volunteers & Snacks Needed

Parents, we still need plenty of volunteers at band camp to help everyone stay hydrated and healthy. These are “sit down” and assist shifts, such as handing out hydration and ice packs. Sign up HERE.

Can’t make it? You can also CLICK HERE to donate snacks.

Band Picture Day

We’ll be taking professional headshots for our band yearbook as well as offering prints and digital downloads for purchase. Parents, be sure to order new SPIRIT BUTTONS with your student’s photo to wear at contests and games.


Monday July 31st and Wednesday August 2nd


Morning block beginning at 7:30 am until approx. 9:30

Afternoon block beginning at noon until approx 2:30.

We’ll need a few helpers to get everyone lined up and in their new uniforms. If you’re free, please email or

Band Fees Due

Do You Have All of Your Marching Gear?

Place your marching gear order by August 1st. Required items include things like marching shoes, compression gear, lyres, and flip folders. SHOW SHIRTS are also available. Visit the BAND STORE today!

Save the Date

This year we will be hosting our inaugural Midnight Regiment Marching Invitational Marching Contest on Saturday, October 14th. We will need all hands on deck for a successful event. Volunteer signups coming soon!

Stay In the Know

Our entire season is planned out months in advance, so be sure to check the BAND CALENDAR HERE for important dates.